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H O W   T O   U S E ​  

​Niet alle (geheime) toepassingen van Agua Sacral zijn bekend. Wel bekend zijn:

- Energetisch reinigen van ruimtes (net als bij Florida Water)

- Bescherming tegen negatieve krachten

- Activeren van hoge frequenties

- Openen van poorten

- Bij initiaties, o.a. Munay Ki

- Contact maken met je hoger zelf

- Creëren van heilige ruimtes
- Activeren van magische krachten

- Contact maken met spirits

LET OP: niet om in te nemen. Buiten bereik van kinderen houden, voorzichtig met de huid en ogen.

Ontvlambaar, irriterend. Voorzichtig bij open vuur.
De kleur van de Agua Sacral kan sterk verschillen per flesje.

Agua Sacral kan gesprenkeld worden in ruimtes.





​​Agua Sacral is a very powerful product. Most people say it is stronger in energy than the Peruvian Florida Water and has an intense, intricate scent. It contains a special blend of 10 pure essential oils including Palo Santo oil, alcohol of natural South American origin and lots of other (secret) ingredients. Combining this with an alchemistic and special way of blending the water, creates a magical product that is unique and one of a kind. Not all (secret) uses of Agua Sacral are known.

- For cleaning spaces (energetically)
- To activate high frequencies levels
- To open gates
- At initiations (including Munay Ki)
- To make contact with your higher self
- For creating sacred spaces
- To make contact with spirits
- To activate magical powers

NOT FOR INTERNAL USE. Keep out of reach of children, avoid contact with skin and eyes. Inflammable, irritating for the skin. Careful with open fire. Note: don't light the wooden stick.
The color of eacht bottle may vary.

Agua Sacral can be used to sprinkle in spaces.

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